Saturday, March 7, 2015

A message I had handed out to some of the people following me


Look at yourself now..I mean really look at yourself.  Like a good, kind person does for just this one time..not a hateful, angry serial killer kinda way where your happy when your talking or trying to murder someone.  I mean could you imagine, people that having fun murdering people and teaching their own children to do the same?  I can't imagine people caring so little.  Is there any low you wouldn't go?

Right now, your in a school surrounded with children trying to kill someone you've never met.  Again, you've  spent your day thinking, planning, and talking about murdering someone you've NEVER met.  You've never talked to me and you DONT even know why your trying to kill me.  You have absolutely no reason to be here. YET, I've seen you and your children now and for the last 4 happy to be involved in murdering someone you'd think its Christmas Eve. excited you'd swear they were 5 year old children they're so happy.  I can tell you I'm a good man.  I am. You can  and you will tell yourself I'm not, but I am.  But yet, you people are SO happy to be trying to kill me.  I've never cheated on a girlfriend, never hit anyone, never angry.  I am genuinely happy, caring, thoughtful.  But the people I've met in your group..child rapists..people who murder for fun..people who murder for a feeling of power..good people you murder.    Appreciate now and forever after how sick, evil, and demented you are.  Back to why your following me and how I ever met one of you sickos.  I met a girl Danielle/Anita (she didn't know what names should call her when we met).  I could tell she was always lying for the 3 months we dated.  I found out she was sleeping with at least 3 other men at the same time.  I broke up with her and she became a stripper and assuming a prostitute soon after.  This was the reason you want to kill me.  So..I'm a terrible person for not wanting to date a girl who sleeps with many other men at the same time.  Meanwhile.  Her brother and her father (she told me) liked to have sex with children.  Including, her own 2 year old son (see message I sent below on Facebook).  Her mother..also in a mafia since a young girl was raped by 7 men (also in the mafia) before she was 7 years old.  I'm telling this to you because you SHOULD know why your trying to murder me.  How you get angry at me when you fail is unbelievable.  Your getting angry and I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU!  You feel good when you murder?  You feel power?  What do you feel like when your not trying to kill someone?  You bored?  You unhappy?  Your sick.  Your disgusting.  If you have to kill.  Kill someone that likes to have sex with babies.  Oh..and don't say the reason you still continue to try to kill me is from the other women you had date me so they could get close enough to kill me.  Clearly, that would never work out with anyone.

You guys are pretty fucked up in the head.  From dressing up in a wig and coming to my house to calling me from cemeteries.  Let's be honest, you don't have anything better to do with your shitty life. You've learned to get off by killing people.  Ive seen the giddy feeling on some of the people when they're doing their little act. Your no different.  Your a loser with nothing better going on in your life.   Here's a question..why don't you take that desire for killing people and use it to kill let's say..child molesters.  We'll exclude your son who Danielle admitted got off on molesting a little boy if course.  That way you dont kill people that don't deserve it.  I'm sure you know, but there's no way William (her grandson) wasn't being molested.  It wasn't a coincidence he was so much more calm when he was staying at my house.  Your sick and you choose to get off on murdering people.
The whole time I dated Danielle she was fucking other guys and you knew about it.  At the end of four months dating she said 'ohh but I've been good the last two weeks'.  Who the fuck deserves that!?  Especially when I wanted a relationship and didn't cheat on her, yell at her, hit her.  All i did was take her and William out and treat her right.  Obviously, no one deserves to be murdered for breaking up with someone.  Everyone that doesn't like to murder other people say '(My name), noone kills people for breaking up after three months.'. People can't even comprehend how people get off on murder.  I've seen  how evil you guys can use your kids to help murder!  Your a loser Wendy.  You raised child molesters and murderers because you always chose the sick twisted decision over being a good decent person.  It's amazing how much you guys care about getting off on your thrill of killing people than I think about me dying myself.  This and every message..most of the text message are online.  I'll make sure in my obituary you can find my site.  Unless every one of you can kill purely on enjoying murder, you've had to lie to get people to help you.  I just think people should know the truth (I would imagine most of you don't even care to know the truth.). But either way you know and I know I never hit, cheated on, and only even yelled at Danielle twice because she was fucking other men hours after I took her and William out.  I never deserved this last year of your sick & twisted minds torturing me!  In all actuality you do.
come on do you really believe that??? show me the facts. dani never cheated on you. her eyes were for you. me and her were lauging the last time you came over not the fact that she was cheating you on, but the fact that we thought it wwas weird. and sorry to tell you, but i dont know were you got your facts but dani does not cheat, and she defently wouldnt cheat on someone if she new they were married and defently had a kid. thats not her and she has more respect for herself not to do that. she didnt cheat on you. i love my sister to death and i will butt out of stuff till i need to come into the picture, and now is the time.. what ur sister wrote on her and my moms wall is really messed up. and you hacking into your brothers account isnt cool. and you know i believe youdidnt cheat on her and you treated her right. but you had alot of trust issues and other things befor you will be able to make any relationship work. the first thing about a relationship is trust, there is not relationship without trust. and if you never hacked into anything how do you know who emails her over face book? how do you know things thats in her bank account, and stuff like that after she changed her passwords? You looking ppl up in the phone book is weird, you stopping by the gate house isnt normal, some of the stuff you said and did just didnt make any since. Like i said i love my sis to death but if she was cheating on her bf, and her bf confronted me about it, im not going to lie to them. i try not to lie, and i dont cheat, nor do would i let it go on with my sister or anyone else in my family. take my word for it, she didnt cheat, dani is better then that and wouldnt do that. she cared for you alot, she wanted it to work between you guys, but she seen how you were and just couldnt handle you. like i said michael your an alright guy but you need to makes some changes. im not threating you, but yall talking, is over. and if i hear again that you "hacked" into her stuff, i will take it apon my self for dani to see, she needs to press charges against you. i dont want that, and neither do you. im not looking for anyone to get into trouble over stupid stufff like this, but all the bullshit has got to stop. like i said im not trying to threatn you, im comming to you as a pissed off brother who will take actions in his own hands if its nessory.

No offense, but I feel like you guys got be joking.  Who cares if I got the information off the back of a milk carton!  Look at the big picture for one second.  One wife just found out her husband of 6 years is having sex with his new 30 year younger assistant...and they have a child/children.  Not too mention the assistant has repeatedly and remarkably proven she's incapable of sleeping with just one person at a time.   I've know the answer to just about EVERY SINGLE question I ask before asking.  I thought maybe this time she'll admit to herself what she's doing wrong and become better for it..but she NEVER could and just past the blame on or do the same thing a day later.  I'm sure right now she's saying what a crazy boyfriend she has and learning not a GODDAM thing for this shit she's caused. FOR ONCE you guys need to look around you and NOT AT ME.  Do you know how many times I've heard your mom say I'm crazy and need to get psychiatric help?  She said this after EVERY time I caught Danielle cheating on me! No offense, but you guys need to see how you can help Dani grow up and see how her actions affect the people and the family's around her..including her own.

PS. I got EVERY single bit of information from the passwords she has GIVEN me and the GPS..I don't know how to hack, I've never attempted to hack..I'm sure the websites of the world have figured out how to prevent it by now, by changing the password...BUT PLEASE LOOK AT THE BIGGER FOR ONCE AND FIRST


Even though not a single one of you believed me the last 3 years for talking about a mafia (And I don't blame you!) This is a video of me yesterday at Singapore International Airport sleeping.  I left Bangkok because it was obvious to me they found me again about a month and half ago and I had a pretty clear feeling they were again watching me at the airport all day.  PS For those of you that didn't know my ex-gf told me her family was in the mafia and she would always talk about murder and death a lot.

The people around me try to make sure I'm sleeping by making some loud noises and whistles.  They spray a few different times. At 19:35 she says, "I think he's waking up."  At 20:02 another woman says "Give me more".  Around 20:50 they spray something I cough and woke up.  I can't hear well on my computer and don't have too much time to dissect the video (this was only 20 minutes of 4 hrs).  The effects of the drug caused my limbs to go to sleep most of the morning but has gone away and made my head feel strange..and still feels weird.

Update:  There's been almost a thousand views on this video so I'm assuming more than my 'friends' are checking my account.  I've seen how excited you get when your trying to kill someone and many of you are raised to feel power or fun when you kill so I know anything I say won't mean anything.  Just share the 'reason' WHY your following me when you share other info about me...your following me because I decided to break up with a girl I dated for 3 1/2 months because she was having sex with at least 3 other men. THAT IS WHY. She went on to be a stripper and all acct a prostitute.  Meanwhile while you cease to leave me alone her brother and father are forcing children to have sex with then  (would guess her mom too).  Danielle use the excuse that her father had sex with all his kids so DJ did too.  Her mother would says they've been murdering people so was hard to change.  This was just one of the things mentioned along with laughing about people they've murderer before..speaking where it wasn't clear to me at the time.  The 2nd girl in ur 'clan' I broke up with because she punched me 10 times in my face.  Her father raped her as a child too.  And coincidentally her brother like Danielle's threatened me before or the first time I met them about treating their sisters bad.  Does it matter if they treated me like shit?  No.  The 3rd, kept lying to me (that she originally was dating me to kill me) and for obvious reasons couldn't tell me.
It's so sick how you use your children to blend in.  It's sick how you teach them to be like you.  It's sick that you rape children and murder good people for fun.  It's sick when you see a 7 year old taunt you with slitting their throat with their hand. To nudge them to start their act of pretending to need the doctor before you.  To teach them to be sick and only happy hurting or talking about killing people.  To limit themselves to dating other killers in your group (for the guys).  Obviously, no one normal would want to date you if they know you secretly get off on murdering people.
Change and ur kids can be happy more than only when their hunting people or talking and thinking about it.  I could never understand how you don't look at yourself when ur doing what your doing and just think.."I am a terrible human being".  Check if you've done any of the following to someone you know or did not know.  If you'll be limited in most conversations to death & murder because you or your parents chose for you to be surrounded by people that only think about..death and murder.
1. Sit and wait in a car/moto/van or stand to be a lookout for one of your victims (of whom you 99% of the time have never met but was told they did something bad to..someone that..enjoys murdering people..go figure (and more often than you'll admit or probably really care about is raping children)
2. Hidden in a bathroom to spray a poisonous gas
3. Acted out a situation to get close to your victim to spray a poisonous gas for them to inhale.  Just an educated guess..but is that done through raising your arm?
4. Put poisonous gas on victims deck (from above or below)..or on the deck through the AC unit and into the home of said victim
5. Waited at victims work-a spray poisonous gas
6. Put potentially deadly drug into liquid, cigarette, or food.
7. Put a shell (of all things) in victims house when you believed victim was soon to be deceases-3 times
8. This one is different but just really bothered me when I saw at Singapore airport..please do not adopt a child..when u have 0 love to give and will only teach them to be angry at people and to raise them like you were raised...I could see the evil all over that woman with the adopted Asian girl across from me.
9. Put poisonous gas in victims workplace
10.  Put drug into shampoo to be absorbed
11. To put gas in a place you expect victim to be soon.  Even if victim is not alone and could potentially harm someone else.
11.  Stopped a victims partner as to have them walk ahead..where poisonous gas is :)
12. Waited in a car (usually suspiciously) watch the transportation the victim is in to pass..even if they are on an 8 hour trip and u see them for only a second.  Does this make you feel included?

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