Friday, October 16, 2015

Suspicious cars waiting in my neighborhood- Michael Herman Raleigh, NC

==Not one day or night passes and at ANY time there is not someone parked car with a person sitting in it or someone walking as I leave the neighborhood as a lookout.  Statistically speaking and from my 25+ years experience living in my is not a coincidence.  These are affiliates/members of the mafia I spoke of earlier waiting to follow me..and eventually find an opportunity to murder me.

Singapore Airport Murder Attempt

Part 1 Singapore International Airport Murder AttemptPart 2 Singapore International Airport Murder Attempt

Even though not a single one of you believed me the last 3 years for talking about a mafia (And I don't blame you!) This is a video of me yesterday at Singapore International Airport sleeping. I left Bangkok because it was obvious to me they found me again about a month and half ago and I had a pretty clear feeling they were again watching me at the airport all day. PS For those of you that didn't know my ex-gf told me her family was in the mafia and she would always talk about murder and death a lot.

The people around me try to make sure I'm sleeping by making some loud noises and whistles. They spray a few different times. At 19:35 she says, "I think he's waking up." At 20:02 another woman says "Give me more". Around 20:50 they spray something I cough and woke up. I can't hear well on my computer and don't have too much time to dissect the video (this was only 20 minutes of 4 hrs). The effects of the drug caused my limbs to go to sleep most of the morning but has gone away and made my head feel strange..and still feels weird.

Update: There's been almost a thousand views on this video so I'm assuming more than my 'friends' are checking my account. I've seen how excited you get when your trying to kill someone and many of you are raised to feel power or fun when you kill so I know anything I say won't mean anything. Just share the 'reason' WHY your following me when you share other info about me...your following me because I decided to break up with a girl I dated for 3 1/2 months because she was having sex with at least 3 other men. THAT IS WHY. She went on to be a stripper and all acct a prostitute. Meanwhile while you cease to leave me alone her brother and father are forcing children to have sex with then (would guess her mom too). Danielle use the excuse that her father had sex with all his kids so DJ did too. Her mother would says they've been murdering people so was hard to change. This was just one of the things mentioned along with laughing about people they've murderer before..speaking where it wasn't clear to me at the time. The 2nd girl in ur 'clan' I broke up with because she punched me 10 times in my face. Her father raped her as a child too. And coincidentally her brother like Danielle's threatened me before or the first time I met them about treating their sisters bad. Does it matter if they treated me like shit? No. The 3rd, kept lying to me (that she originally was dating me to kill me) and for obvious reasons couldn't tell me.
It's so sick how you use your children to blend in. It's sick how you teach them to be like you. It's sick that you rape children and murder good people for fun. It's sick when you see a 7 year old taunt you with slitting their throat with their hand. To nudge them to start their act of pretending to need the doctor before you. To teach them to be sick and only happy hurting or talking about killing people. To limit themselves to dating other killers in your group (for the guys). Obviously, no one normal would want to date you if they know you secretly get off on murdering people.
Change and ur kids can be happy more than only when their hunting people or talking and thinking about it. I could never understand how you don't look at yourself when ur doing what your doing and just think.."I am a terrible human being". Check if you've done any of the following to someone you know or did not know. If you'll be limited in most conversations to death & murder because you or your parents chose for you to be surrounded by people that only think about..death and murder.
1. Sit and wait in a car/moto/van or stand to be a lookout for one of your victims (of whom you 99% of the time have never met but was told they did something bad to..someone that..enjoys murdering people..go figure (and more often than you'll admit or probably really care about is raping children)
2. Hidden in a bathroom to spray a poisonous gas
3. Acted out a situation to get close to your victim to spray a poisonous gas for them to inhale. Just an educated guess..but is that done through raising your arm?
4. Put poisonous gas on victims deck (from above or below)..or on the deck through the AC unit and into the home of said victim
5. Waited at victims work-a spray poisonous gas
6. Put potentially deadly drug into liquid, cigarette, or food.
7. Put a shell (of all things) in victims house when you believed victim was soon to be deceases-3 times
8. This one is different but just really bothered me when I saw at Singapore airport..please do not adopt a child..when u have 0 love to give and will only teach them to be angry at people and to raise them like you were raised...I could see the evil all over that woman with the adopted Asian girl across from me.
9. Put poisonous gas in victims workplace
10. Put drug into shampoo to be absorbed
11. To put gas in a place you expect victim to be soon. Even if victim is not alone and could potentially harm someone else.
11. Stopped a victims partner as to have them walk ahead..where poisonous gas is smile emoticon
12. Waited in a car (usually suspiciously) watch the transportation the victim is in to pass..even if they are on an 8 hour trip and u see them for only a second. Does this make you feel included?
13.many many more to include
Intro to the 3 psychopaths I dated

The 3 Families addresses..All 3 familiesare Psychopaths and Murderers..Danielle and Michele's families have the Pedophiles along with these 2 wonderful qualities in their families

Jessica Nicole Hollis Mother-Plantation Rd., Clayton NC  2nd or 3rd house or so on the left...has water well in front.

Danielle Daughtery's mother and stepfather-3278 Edinburgh Dr, Sanford NC 27332-7438

Michelle Marie Linkowski's Mother and father- 269 Clarence, Gardner NC

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Jess Hollis Contacts (Majority Psychopathic,Pedophiles or Murderers)

Jess Hollis Contacts

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Jess Hollis July 2011 Text Messages

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Jess Hollis June 2011 Text Messages

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Jess Hollis April 2011 Text Messages

Date Time Number Rate Usage Type Origin Destination Minutes Airtime Charges Total Description Application Price
5-Apr 12:11PM 919-585-9001 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Clayton NC 2 -- -- --
5-Apr 1:17PM 919-585-9001 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Clayton NC 1 -- -- --
5-Apr 1:35PM 515-778-0982 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 5 -- -- --
5-Apr 2:27PM 919-266-5669 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 2 -- -- --
6-Apr 9:48AM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 2 -- -- --
6-Apr 10:05AM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 2 -- -- --
6-Apr 7:42PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
6-Apr 9:13PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 7 -- -- --
7-Apr 10:06AM 919-553-5711 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Clayton NC 1 -- -- --
7-Apr 10:47AM 919-934-8977 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Smithfield NC 9 -- -- --
7-Apr 9:49PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 1 -- -- --
7-Apr 10:08PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 3 -- -- --
8-Apr 12:02PM 919-966-4401 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Chapelhill NC 2 -- -- --
8-Apr 2:57PM 919-675-7055 Peak M2MAllow Smithfield NC Raleigh NC 1 -- -- --
8-Apr 2:58PM 919-675-7055 Peak M2MAllow Smithfield NC Incoming CL 1 -- -- --
8-Apr 4:36PM 719-634-2285 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Colordospg CO 34 -- -- --
8-Apr 7:43PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
9-Apr 10:59AM 919-675-7055 Off-Peak N&W Garner NC Raleigh NC 1 -- -- --
9-Apr 12:39PM 970-310-5270 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 39 -- -- --
9-Apr 1:18PM 970-310-5270 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 2 -- -- --
9-Apr 1:20PM 970-310-5270 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 3 -- -- --
9-Apr 1:28PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 15 -- -- --
10-Apr 12:47AM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 2 -- -- --
10-Apr 3:09PM 719-237-0592 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 11 -- -- --
10-Apr 6:11PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
11-Apr 6:38PM 719-321-6032 Peak M2MAllow Smithfield NC Colordospg CO 2 -- -- --
11-Apr 7:39PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 2 -- -- --
12-Apr 4:13AM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
12-Apr 9:16AM 919-585-9001 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Clayton NC 2 -- -- --
12-Apr 11:31AM 719-321-6032 Peak M2MAllow Clayton NC Colordospg CO 1 -- -- --
13-Apr 8:09AM 888-874-9378 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Toll-Free CL 6 -- -- --
13-Apr 3:10PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Chapel Hil NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
14-Apr 8:37AM 919-553-5711 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Clayton NC 4 -- -- --
14-Apr 8:42AM 919-934-5149 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Smithfield NC 1 -- -- --
14-Apr 9:00AM 919-934-8977 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Smithfield NC 2 -- -- --
14-Apr 9:17AM 919-934-8977 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Smithfield NC 6 -- -- --
15-Apr 9:55AM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
15-Apr 12:36PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
15-Apr 12:37PM 919-966-6108 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Chapelhill NC 1 -- -- --
15-Apr 1:31PM 919-966-6108 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Chapelhill NC 1 -- -- --
15-Apr 1:55PM 919-359-0913 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 1 -- -- --
15-Apr 1:56PM 919-966-6108 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Chapelhill NC 1 -- -- --
16-Apr 3:05AM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
16-Apr 11:58AM 970-310-5270 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 8 -- -- --
16-Apr 1:47PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 35 -- -- --
16-Apr 4:23PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 29 -- -- --
17-Apr 2:51PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 4 -- -- --
17-Apr 7:24PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 2 -- -- --
18-Apr 12:47PM 919-966-6108 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Chapelhill NC 1 -- -- --
18-Apr 1:49PM 888-328-2656 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Toll-Free CL 2 -- -- --
18-Apr 2:20PM 919-966-6108 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 7 -- -- --
19-Apr 10:38AM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
19-Apr 9:08PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 4 -- -- --
19-Apr 10:08PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 5 -- -- --
20-Apr 9:41PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 2 -- -- --
21-Apr 10:44AM 919-675-7055 Peak M2MAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 1 -- -- --
21-Apr 6:59PM 515-778-0982 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 11 -- -- --
21-Apr 9:05PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 6 -- -- --
21-Apr 9:11PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 1 -- -- --
22-Apr 12:26PM 515-778-0982 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Des Moines IA 1 -- -- --
22-Apr 12:51PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
22-Apr 6:47PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
23-Apr 1:38PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 3 -- -- --
23-Apr 1:40PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 1 -- -- --
23-Apr 1:44PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
23-Apr 6:07PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 3 -- -- --
23-Apr 6:09PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 1 -- -- --
23-Apr 6:17PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 13 -- -- --
23-Apr 6:38PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 14 -- -- --
23-Apr 6:52PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 1 -- -- --
23-Apr 6:54PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 7 -- -- --
23-Apr 7:01PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 12 -- -- --
23-Apr 8:14PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 5 -- -- --
23-Apr 8:21PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 1 -- -- --
23-Apr 8:22PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 15 -- -- --
23-Apr 8:51PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 1 -- -- --
23-Apr 9:02PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 12 -- -- --
23-Apr 9:15PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
23-Apr 9:20PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 1 -- -- --
23-Apr 9:26PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 18 -- -- --
24-Apr 12:34PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 2:46PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 3:19PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 3:24PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 3:32PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 3 -- -- --
24-Apr 3:55PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 4:44PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 7 -- -- --
24-Apr 5:00PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 5:04PM 919-773-9772 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Raleigh NC 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 5:25PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Garner NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 6:22PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 6:27PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 6:30PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 6:35PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 6:42PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 6:46PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 6:50PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 6:58PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 7:02PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 7:08PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 7:12PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 4 -- -- --
24-Apr 7:24PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 7:36PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 7:59PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 8:21PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 8:25PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 8:27PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 8:28PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 8:32PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 8:35PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 8:40PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 8:50PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 8:54PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:02PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:06PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:08PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:09PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:12PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:15PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:17PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:18PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:20PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:21PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:24PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:27PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:34PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:38PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:52PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 9:57PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 10:08PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 10:14PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 10:16PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 10:20PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 10:26PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 10:37PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 10:39PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 10:40PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 10:46PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 10:48PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 10:51PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 10:55PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 11:03PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
24-Apr 11:11PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 3:22AM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 8:04AM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 11:02AM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 11:52AM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 12:25PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 12:40PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 1:30PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 1:46PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 2:10PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 2:19PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 2:23PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 2:29PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 2:40PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 2:46PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 2:49PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 2:53PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 3:13PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 3:24PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 3:34PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 3:57PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 4:10PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 4:22PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 4:47PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 5:14PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 5:18PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 5:18PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 2 -- -- --
25-Apr 5:38PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 5:44PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 5:46PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 5:48PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 5:50PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 6:00PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 6:16PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 6:16PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 6:17PM 719-634-8134 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Colordospg CO 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 6:27PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 6:33PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 6:41PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 6:45PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 6:48PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 6:53PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 6:59PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 7:06PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 7:10PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 7:18PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 7:32PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 7:56PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 8:26PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 8:39PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 8:42PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 8:45PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 8:54PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 8:59PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 9:02PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 9:05PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 9:07PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 9:12PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 4 -- -- --
25-Apr 9:29PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 9:36PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 9:47PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 9:50PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 9:54PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 9:56PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 9:59PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 10:02PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 10:04PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 10:09PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 10:19PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
25-Apr 10:56PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
26-Apr 3:01AM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Benson NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
26-Apr 7:16AM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Smithfield NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
26-Apr 11:56AM 800-742-3966 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Toll-Free CL 2 -- -- --
26-Apr 11:58AM 919-359-0471 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Clayton NC 3 -- -- --
26-Apr 12:14PM 919-359-0343 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 5 -- -- --
26-Apr 12:19PM 719-634-8134 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Colordospg CO 1 -- -- --
26-Apr 12:20PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 2 -- -- --
26-Apr 12:22PM 800-762-4344 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Toll-Free CL 9 -- -- --
26-Apr 12:30PM 719-634-8134 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Colordospg CO 11 -- -- --
26-Apr 9:18PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 1 -- -- --
26-Apr 9:22PM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
27-Apr 1:33PM 515-778-0982 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 4 -- -- --
27-Apr 9:02PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 9 -- -- --
27-Apr 9:11PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 1 -- -- --
28-Apr 11:40AM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
28-Apr 3:49PM 800-742-3944 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Toll-Free CL 6 -- -- --
28-Apr 5:27PM 719-634-2285 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 9 -- -- --
28-Apr 6:02PM 719-634-2285 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 6 -- -- --
28-Apr 6:10PM 719-634-8134 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Colordospg CO 17 -- -- --
28-Apr 6:35PM 719-634-2285 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 15 -- -- --
28-Apr 6:59PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
28-Apr 7:00PM 919-275-2276 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 1 -- -- --
28-Apr 9:09PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 8 -- -- --
29-Apr 1:07PM 919-966-9656 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 2 -- -- --
29-Apr 4:48PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Garner NC Voice Mail CL 2 -- -- --
30-Apr 4:31PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 1 -- -- --
30-Apr 4:34PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 40 -- -- --
30-Apr 5:22PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 1 -- -- --
30-Apr 5:22PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 62 -- -- --
30-Apr 7:45PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 6 -- -- --
1-May 1:25AM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
1-May 11:35AM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Garner NC Des Moines IA 5 -- -- --
1-May 6:02PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 1 -- -- --
1-May 7:54PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 14 -- -- --
1-May 9:05PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 5 -- -- --
2-May 10:26AM 919-773-9772 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Raleigh NC 3 -- -- --
2-May 11:31AM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
2-May 11:49AM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
2-May 12:08PM 919-675-7055 Peak M2MAllow Clayton NC Raleigh NC 1 -- -- --
2-May 12:09PM 919-675-7055 Peak M2MAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 1 -- -- --
2-May 2:11PM 800-763-0547 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Toll-Free CL 7 -- -- --
3-May 12:37AM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
3-May 2:25AM 000-000-0086 Off-Peak N&W,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 4 -- -- --
3-May 2:45PM 000-000-0086 Peak PlanAllow,CallVM Clayton NC Voice Mail CL 1 -- -- --
3-May 2:46PM 719-634-2285 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Colordospg CO 8 -- -- --
3-May 2:56PM 515-778-0982 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 1 -- -- --
3-May 3:02PM 515-778-0982 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Des Moines IA 1 -- -- --
3-May 3:09PM 515-778-0982 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Des Moines IA 4 -- -- --
3-May 3:31PM 719-235-8284 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 2 -- -- --
3-May 3:32PM 719-448-7536 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Colordospg CO 1 -- -- --
3-May 3:33PM 719-448-7536 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Colordospg CO 6 -- -- --
3-May 3:45PM 719-235-8284 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 2 -- -- --
3-May 3:46PM 719-235-8284 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Incoming CL 3 -- -- --
3-May 5:07PM 719-526-5811 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Colordospg CO 2 -- -- --
3-May 5:08PM 719-526-7900 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Colordospg CO 1 -- -- --
3-May 5:08PM 719-526-5811 Peak PlanAllow Clayton NC Colordospg CO 2 -- -- --
3-May 9:04PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Incoming CL 1 -- -- --
4-May 8:21PM 919-675-7055 Peak M2MAllow Garner NC Raleigh NC 1 -- -- --
4-May 8:40PM 919-675-7054 Peak M2MAllow Garner NC Raleigh NC 2 -- -- --
4-May 9:24PM 515-778-0982 Off-Peak N&W Clayton NC Des Moines IA 2 -- -- --