Tuesday, February 26, 2019

February 26 2019 Michael Herman - Wildwood Green

Putting cones around your vehicle doesn't help.  Parking around the neighborhood won't help you hide either.  Don't just tour the home..buy it and move in.  YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EASY IT IS TO SPOT YOU PEOPLE AFTER 8 YEARS.   A psychopaths  mentality is so hard to comprehend, I'll be honest.  99% of people break up..but with you people..that's an invitation to kill them?? Why are you not thinking of how creepy you are making yourself  and why for the love of god, bring your family into it?  I will be recording from now on and will post the videos when I go out.  Of course I exercise the right to open carry. For whatever reason you tell yourself now, you cannot move on and I understand this.  But I will end on my terms.  Just be patient and wait tightly.